Dear Jeff and Jane,
Words cannot describe what you have done for us! You have opened up a whole new life for us – especially Frank. One doesn't realize how much freedom means to him. We have been able to be up north and be with our wonderful family. It has brought us both great joy. When we come home, Frank is already talking about how we will be able to get inside versus last year when we had to call 911 and was in a rehab center about a month because he wasn't strong enough to do the stairs. His fear is relieved. You have been a "gift from God!" When things were going and looking bad – you appeared. We will be forever grateful for your kindness above and beyond for us.
Our prayers are with you both as you go through a health crisis. We have had many and are still here – a little ruffed up but in the end a little stronger. Take it a day at a time because sometimes things can be overwhelming. I speak from experience. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you. You will never be far from our thoughts.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You are two beautiful people who have blessed two "Old" people with a gift that will never be forgotten.
Our sincerest love and thanks,
Frank and Cindy Jones
*Veteran names and personal details have been changed to protect consumer identity